
Time For A Change?



Low Credit Card Processing Fees


Credit card processing shouldn’t be a huge expense for a business, costing most no more than 2-3% of those sales. However with so many processors padding interchange costs with extra miscellaneous fees or higher mark-ups found on tiered plans, many merchants are paying much more than they should. This ends up making the cost of taking cards stressful to many businesses bottom lines.

At Payprotec Southeast we believe processing rates should be fair for business owners and we also don’t believe in a one size fits all model that some like Square have adopted. While this is good for some, for businesses doing more than $5k a month consistently, interchange pricing is often better for their bottom line.

We at Payprotec Southeast offer interchange plus pricing, flat rate pricing as well as our 0% processing program called EDGE. We offer a free consultation and rate analysis to see what plan would suit YOUR business best.

Free Credit Card Terminals & POS Systems - NO Leases!

At Payprotec Southeast we don’t believe in leasing terminals. Why pay 5-10 times or even more than a terminal is worth just because a company offers to lower your processing fees. Most terminals cost less than $300.00 to buy and even smart terminals are normally under $500.00 retail. So why lease a terminal for $30 or more a month when you can get the same terminal and the same or even better rates with us and get the latest credit card terminals from us for free. We will even warranty them and provide the paper for free. To learn more about leasing and why it will almost always be a bad business decision including a cost breakdown click here.

We provide a variety of terminals that are all EMV(Chip Card) ready. Everything from Counter-top Dual communication(Dial Up & IP) as well as Tri-Communication terminals (Dial Up, IP & Wifi). To completely Wireless Terminals for for businesses on the go as well as pay at the table and line-busting solutions which communicate via Wifi or GPRS.

Lastly we also have smart terminals that can do much more than just process transactions but are actually able to execute many point-of-sale functions with complete mobility such as our PayAnywhere Smart Terminal. So click the button below and schedule a consultation with one of our account specialists so we can assist you in getting the right solution for you and your business.

Fast Funding


Waiting too long for your money? We offer next day funding with some of the latest cut-off times in the industry. On our EPX Platform which is our most popular one our next day funding cut-off is midnight EST. This means that as long as you batch out before banking cut-off(as late as 12am EST) the money is in your account and available first thing the next morning. Now also offering Monday funding (processing done on Friday-Sunday) is deposited and available Monday morning instead of tuesday.

Excellent Customer Service & Support

At PayProTec Southeast we are with you from every step of the way from beginning to end. Not only do you have 24/7 live US based support, you also have our team at PayProTec Southeast that help facilitate your requests and make sure they get done timeously.

Never be left high and dry by a credit card processing salesman again. At PayProTec Southeast you get so much more than just a salesman, you get a dedicated account specialist or agent to assist you when you really need it. You will get personal service through your account specialist/agent, because this is so much more than just a person who signed you up and disappears like so many do. You will have their direct line and they will be there to make sure that if you ever need help with different issues or matters that need to be handled, that agent will often be able to facilitate that for you, saving you time that you can rather use to stay focused on growing your business.

At Payprotec Southeast our job only starts when you sign up, we are truly there for you every step of the way and don't disappear once you come on board with us. That, is the Payprotec Southeast difference, guaranteed!


Click the button below to schedule a consultation with one of our account specialists and we will be more than happy to help you get the best payment processing solution for your business. Everything from what equipment is best, to rates and fees and funding times will all be discussed.